Provision of Engineering Consultancy services for the Outapi Water Treatment Plant Upgrade and Extension.

Consultancy Services
Client NamWater
Location Outapi, Namibia
Scope Of Work The upgrading of the existing Outapi works is required due to the population growth in the area. The services provided include Inception, development proposal report, preliminary and detailed design, tender documentation, construction supervision, commissioning, and handover. This project was undertaken as a Joint Venture with Element Consulting Engineers
Contract Period Feb 2019 to present
Value N$ 112million (estimated)

Project Detail

NamWater supplies bulk potable water to Outapi town, as well as the surrounding areas.  Raw water is withdrawn from the Calueque-Oshakati canal and is treated at the Outapi Water Treatment Works (WTW).  The capacity of the plant was to be increased from 105 m3/hr to 283 m3/hr, but during the course of the project, this was increased to 438 m3/hour. Based on investigations by the team, it was decided to undertake the construction of a new “conventional” plant rather than upgrade the existing “package” plant.

The main elements in the design were the abstraction and inlet works, chemical dosing building, flocculation channel, sedimentation tanks, rapid sand filters, chloring building and upgrade of various pumping and piping systems.

The total estimated construction cost for the new Outapi WTP is N$ 112million (VAT Excl)  and it is estimated that the construction can be completed within an 18 month period.