Engineering Consultancy Services for Ohangwena 2 Wellfield

Water Project
    Client NamWater (Element)
    Location Ohangwena Region, Namibia
    Scope Of Work Consolidation of previous studies to determine the optimum solution, detailed designs, drawings and tender document and compilations of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. Major work included design of surface and groundwater pumping systems, design of the pipelines and reservoirs, expansion of the existing reverse osmosis plant at Eenhana and the development of two additional boreholes at Eenhana and equipping two existing boreholes at Oshandi. Mariswe acted as sub consultant to Element Consulting Engineers, a Namibian consulting company.
    Contract Period Jan 2022- present
    Value N$ 330 million (estimated)

    Project Detail

    The area is currently supplied with water from Oshakati water treatment plant (WTP), apart from two boreholes near the Eenhana WTP. NamWater wished to upgrade the system to deal with the projected 2037 water demands as well as reduce the reliance of the area on the Oshakati water.  To that end, two new boreholes will be drilled and equipped at Eenhana and two existing boreholes at Oshandi will be equipped. A number of existing pump stations will be upgraded, a new pump station and a number of new pipelines and reservoirs will be installed.  The current system of utilising bulk mains as water distribution lines will be altered to separate the two system.  A number of elevated tanks will be installed along the distribution lines to provide water under gravity pressure instead of the current pumped pressure system.   The reverse osmosis plant at Eenhana will be upgraded to deal with the greater volume of saline borehole water.

    The construction value of the project is estimated at N$ 330 million