Project Detail
This was one of several water supply projects funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to increase investment in human and physical capital and reduce water related diseases in Tanzania.
The Lower Ruvu Water Treatment Plant near the town of Bagamoyo supplies about 4 million people in Dar es Salaam with drinking water. The contract involved expansion of the existing plant from 180 ML/d to 270 ML/d, providing for future expansion to 360 ML/d.
Major elements included a raw water pump station (360 ML/d); a flow division chamber with five separate flow streams (360 ML/d); a pulsator clarifier and four sand filters (90 ML/d); treated water storage reservoir; treated water pump station (360 ML/d); 4 km of large bore pipelines; a concrete lined sludge lagoon (360 ML/d); power supply and transformers (10 MW).