Client Department of Economic Development and Tourism (KwaZulu-Natal Government)
Location Vryheid in the AbaQulusi municipal area, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Scope Of Work Programme management, monitoring and evaluation; grant fund management, procurement support, business plan development; stakeholder management; economic development advisory services, infrastructure planning; capacity building; training programmes; small business development and employment creation.
Contract Period 2010-2013
Project Detail
The AbaQulusi municipal area is one of South Africa’s poorer municipalities and is an important economic hub within the rural Zululand area.
The objective of the contract was to establish a Project Management Unit (PMU) to run a sustainable programme to grow the local economy, reduce poverty and unemployment and secure sustainable development for the area.
The three-year assignment had the following additional objectives:
- Establishing and supporting a project steering committee;
- Implementing three development programmes – institutional and administrative interventions; planning and spatial development; economic development;
- Building the capacity and skills of staff in the local municipality and integrating the staff in the work of the PMU;
- Managing a Project Development Fund for economic partnerships.