Client Department of Water Affairs (now Department of Water and Sanitation)
Location Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Scope Of Work Community liaison and project prioritisation and facilitation, project/programme management.
Contract Period 2013-2014
Project Detail
The project involved streamlining the geo-database for the Eastern Cape through a study to evaluate, clean up and update the data, engaging all critical role-players to bring an understanding of project processes, current available data and information, and future planning.
The data was used to compile a Phase 1 Regional Bulk Project Workbook and a Phase 2 Regional Bulk Master Plan, both at provincial level. Work included
- Identifying current and future regional bulk projects and needs;
- Completing geo-database regional bulk project list and existing regional bulk status;
- Validating and authenticating all projects in the workbook;
- Ensuring alignment with other studies, master plans and programmes;
- Prioritising projects based on the needs of each water services provider;
- Ensuring buy-in from each sector role player into the project weighting and prioritisation proposal;
- Facilitating a provincial regional bulk master plan launch;
- Facilitating the re-establishment of provincial water services technical forums.