Eastern Cape Regional Water Services Bulk Master Plan

Infrastructure Planning project
Client Department of Water Affairs (now Department of Water and Sanitation)
Location Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Scope Of Work Community liaison and project prioritisation and facilitation, project/programme management.
Contract Period 2013-2014

Project Detail

The project involved streamlining the geo-database for the Eastern Cape through a study to evaluate, clean up and update the data, engaging all critical role-players to bring an understanding of project processes, current available data and information, and future planning.

The data was used to compile a Phase 1 Regional Bulk Project Workbook and a Phase 2 Regional Bulk Master Plan, both at provincial level. Work included

  • Identifying current and future regional bulk projects and needs;
  • Completing geo-database regional bulk project list and existing regional bulk status;
  • Validating and authenticating all projects in the workbook;
  • Ensuring alignment with other studies, master plans and programmes;
  • Prioritising projects based on the needs of each water services provider;
  • Ensuring buy-in from each sector role player into the project weighting and prioritisation proposal;
  • Facilitating a provincial regional bulk master plan launch;
  • Facilitating the re-establishment of provincial water services technical forums.