Mthatha Dam/Luchaba Reserve access roads

Structures Project
Client Eastern Cape Department of Roads and Public Works
Location Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Scope Of Work Design, tender documentation and evaluation, and construction monitoring.
Contract Period 2014-2015

Project Detail

The section of road funded by the Eastern Cape Government for upgrading leads to a conference facility built in 2011/2012. The road project fell under the auspices of the Roads Enterprise Development Programme (REDP), one of its objectives being to develop emerging contractors and consultants. The Coega Development Corporation (CDC) was the Implementing Agent for the project.

The contract was divided into two packages, with contractors of CIDB grading 6CE appointed for the respective packages of 1.6 km each. The project also included a consultant mentorship programme with Mariswe as the mentor consultant.

The main component of each package was the construction of a suitable pavement and the bituminous surfacing of the road, with gravel shoulders. The side drains were rehabilitated and the inlet structures of the pipe culverts were modified to accommodate the new road width. Formal accesses were added at selected locations.