Project Detail
A shortage of water in the area prompted an investigation into the treatment of domestic and industrial effluent for reuse as industrial or production water. Several industries generate effluent which is discharged via a marine outfall.
The potential volume of reusable water is approximately 75 Mℓ/day. Sludge to fertiliser and biogas to energy studies form part of the project as potential income generators.
Mariswe was appointed lead transaction advisor for the feasibility study and procurement of the public private partnership.
Feasibility Study
The 15-month feasibility phase included assessment of water and waste water treatment works, the industrial and domestic effluent collection network and bulk conveyance pipelines; a water use, resources and demand management study; budget and rationale for a PPP; stakeholder engagement; and economic development objectives.
Six options were identified and evaluated, including investigations into value adding technologies, and the preferred option explored further with regard to scope, site identification and infrastructure.