- Professional Services for Program Management Unit for Lesotho Highlands Water Project Phase II
- Provision of Engineering Consultancy services for the Outapi Water Treatment Plant Upgrade and Extension.
- Professional Services to the Construction of Lobatse Water Supply Master Plan – Work Package 1 Option
- Engineering Consultancy Services for Ohangwena 2 Wellfield
- Provision of technical support to the Eastern Cape, Free State and Western Cape Provincial Governments and Municipalities
- The National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) PPP – transaction advisor – accommodation and equipment
- Provision of transaction advisory services for the Tshwane Innovation Hub under a PPP model
- Upgrading of Zeekoegat Pipeline
- Upgrading of the Shemula Water Treatment Works, Phases 1 and 2
- Neptune Reservoir floating cover
- KSD Presidential Intervention Programme: Mthatha Wastewater Treatment Works
- Construction supervising engineer (FIDIC) for the Lusaka water supply, sanitation and drainage project
- Consultancy services for the supervision of works for the expansion of the Lower Ruvu Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Tanzania
- Kempton Park Reservoir
- 25 Megalitre (ML) reservior as part of the Nebo Plateau bulk supply scheme
- Port Elizabeth International Airport Runway End Safety Area (RESA) extension, strip compliance and lighting
- Assessment study to implement Output and Performance based Road Contracts (OPRC) in Ghana
- N4 Bakwena Platinum Toll Highway
- N2 upgrade between Mtunzini and Empangeni
- City of Ekurhuleni Integrated Rapid Public Transit Project (Phases 1 and 2)
- Cape Town International Airport (CTIA)
- Studios on Park student accommodation
- Bridges on N4 Bakwena Platinum Toll Highway
- Mthatha Sports Stadium
- Mthatha Dam/Luchaba Reserve access roads
- Upgrade of the Cecilia Makiwane Hospital in Mdantsane
- New warehouse and offices for Cash Crusaders with water recycling facility
- Bridges on N2 upgrade between Mtunzini and Empangeni
- Rehabilitation of health facilities (Package A, Cluster 1)
- Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Development Inititative (ASIDI)